太玄书阁 > 外国文学 > 芒果街上的小屋 | 上页 下页




  有一天,我会有一个我自己的、最要好的朋友。一个我可以向她吐露秘密的朋友。一个不用我解释就能听懂我的笑话的朋友。在那之前,我将一直是一个红色气球,一个被泊住的气球 。

  The boys and the girls live in separate worlds. The boys in their universe and we in ours. My brothers for example. They've got plenty to say to me and Nenny ihe house. But outside they 't be seen talking to girls. Carlos and Kiki are each other's best friend……not ours.

  Nenny is too young to be my friend. She's just my sister and that was not my fault. You don't pick your sisters, you just get them and sometimes they e like Nenny.

  She 't play with those Vargas kids or she'll turn out just like them. And since she es right after me, she is my responsibility.

  Someday I will have a best friend all my own. One I tell my secrets to. One who will uand my jokes without my having to explain them. Until then I am a red balloon, a ballooo an anchor.

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