太玄书阁 > 外国文学 > 芒果街上的小屋 | 上页 下页





  Minerva is only a little bit older tha already she has two kids and a husband who left. Her mother raised her kids alone and it looks like her daughters will go that way too. Minerva cries because her luck is unlucky. Every night and every day. And prays. But when the kids are asleep after she's fed them their pancake dinner, she writes poems on little pieces of paper that she folds over and over and holds in her hands a long time, little pieces of paper that smell like a dime.

  She lets me read her poems. I let her read mine. She is always sad like a house on fire——always something wrong. She has many troubles, but the big one is her husband who left and keeps leaving.

  One day she is through as him know enough is enough. Out the door he goes. Clothes, records, shoes. Out the window and the door locked. But that night he es bad sends a big rock through the window. Then he is sorry and she opens the dain. Same story.

  week she es over blad blue and asks what she do? Minerva. I don't know which way she'll go. There is nothing I do.

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