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卷四 一五、“但论国界,不论是非”


  自美墨交衅以来,本城之“Ithaca Journal”揭一名言:“吾国乎,吾愿其永永正直而是也,然曲耶,直耶,是耶,非耶,终为吾国耳。”(My country—may it ever be right, but right or wrong, my country)意言但论国界,不论是非也。此言揭诸报端已逾旬日,亦无人置辩。一日,同居世界学生会之各国学生谈论偶及之,有表同情者,亦有反对者,莫衷一是。余适过之,聆其言论,有所感触,故以所见作一书寄此报主笔。其人不敢登载,社中访事某女士坚请登之,乃载入新闻栏(其书见下)。昨日余往见前校长白博士之夫人,夫人盛称余书,以为正彼所欲言而未能言者。白博士(Andrew Dickson White)曾两任使德大使,戊戌年海牙平和会,博士为美国代表团长,其功最多。夫妇都主张和平,故深恶此等极端之国家主义也。


  Students Representing Many Nationalities Debate as to the

  Absurdity or Sense of the Slogan-Suh Hu's Impression.

  An interesting debate took place at the Cosmopolitan Clubhouse on the Hill. The subject was the motto which has been printed at the top of the editorial page of The Ithaca Journal since the Mexican question began to become critical—"My country, may it ever be right, but right or wrong, my country." The last phrase, "right or wrong, my country" started the discussion.

  An American student averred that it was an absolute absurdity, to stand by one's country whether it was right or wrong. All the other students present—including the representatives of all the different countries in the Club defended the saying vigorously. This number included students from all the different countries represented in the Cosmopolitan Club. "Some called it an absolute absurdity, while others defended it vigorously." No conclusion was reached.

  Suh Hu'sidea

  Suh Hu, the president of the Club, was struck by one thought that seemed to him to come nearest to the heart of the problem and presents it as follows:

  "It appears to me that the fallacy of the saying 'Right or wrong, my country' lies in the fact that there is a double standard of morality. No one will deny that there is a standard of justice and righteousness—among the civilized people at least. Suppose 'my country' should tax me unconstitutionally, confiscate my property unjustly, or have me imprisoned without a trial, I would undoubtedly protest, even if it were done in the name of the law of 'my country'.

  "But when we come to international affairs we immediately discard that standard of justice and righteousness, and we declare with no little pride, 'Right or wrong, my country.' Am I not right in saying that we are applying a double standard of morality—one to our fellow countrymen and another to foreign or 'outlandish' people?It seems to me that unless we adopt one standard of right -eousness both within and without our country, we have no common ground on which we can argue."










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