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卷五 三七、卡来尔之爱国说 |
(八月九日) 顷见卡来尔(Carlyle)之爱国说,乃与吾平日所持相契合,录之: We hope there is a patriotism founded on something better than prejudice; that our country may be dear to us, without injury to our philosophy; that in loving and justly prizing all other lands, we may prize justly, and yet love before all others, our own stern motherland, and the venerable structure of social and moral life, which mind has through long ages been building up for us there. Carlyle—Essay on Burns 〔中译〕 吾辈希望有另一种爱国主义。它不是建立在偏见之上,而将使吾国对吾民更为亲爱,又和吾辈之哲学信念相协调;它将使吾国爱一切人,公正地奖励各个地区,那么国民也将不顾一切地热爱这个严厉的祖国,它的悠久的社会传统及道德生活。长期以来,上帝一直在为吾辈营造这一切。 ——卡来尔:《论彭斯》 |
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