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卷八 一四、C. W. 论男女交际之礼


  C. W. 来书,摘录其精华如下。此君思想不凡,真能超然尘表者也。

  My habit, as you well know, is to consider what is right for the highest type of human being… The only "propriety" between those persons of the highest type—that is those who have had their eyes opened to the beauty of a still higher human development, and souls stimulated to the constant effort of realizing it—is propriety of thought.It is quite simple, isn't it? The things worthy of either of two people to be thought of at all, can worthily be thought of together….

  When one thinks alone there are many things which one faces squarely and then casts away as unfit, and if one does this as promptly before speaking, surely there can be no impropreity.And in the association (or friendship) of man and woman, surely this all holds good, if the truth of sex attraction is clearly understood and valued for just so much as it is good for, and if, when it consciously appears not of use. it is consciously put away by wilful turning of the attention to the higher side of that friendship.And because of the possibility of this effort being called into action, should all the richness of communication between human beings whose real life after all is spiritual and not physical, be blocked by a "sense of propriety"? Surely some of the closest and most stimulating interaction of thought comes between two persons no more.It is true between two women, and I feel sure it is so between two men, and it is true between a man and a woman.…




  右论男女交际之“礼”,可谓卓识。此论即在所谓最自由放任之美国亦足骇人听闻。盖此邦号称自由耳,其社会风尚宗教礼俗,则守旧之习极深,其故家大族尤甚。C. W.,女子中之有革命眼光者也。其家庭中之守旧空气,C. W. 对之如在囹圄,其远去纽约,终岁仅数归,未尝不为此故。此君盖可谓为“divine discontent”者也。又曰:

  Education—Choice—then Vital Activity—is not this the way a people should develope?




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