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卷八 一六、加滕演说远东问题 |
(二月四日) 前记英日在此次远东战祸之地位(本卷第一三则),顷读日本外相加藤在议院演说之词(九月五日),有大足与前所记相发明者,节录之: Therefore in as much as she is asked by her Ally for assistance at the time when the commerece in Eastern Asia is subjected to constant menace, Japan, which regards that alliance as the guiding principle of her foreign policy, cannot but comply with such request and do her part. Besides, in the opinion of the government, the possession by Germany, whose interests are opposed to those of the Anglo-Japanese Alliance, of a base of her powerful activities in one corner of the Far East is not only a serious obstacle to the maintenance of permanent peace of Eastern Asia, but is also in conflict with the more immediate interests of our own Empire. The Government, therefore, resolved to comply with the British request and if necessary in doing so to open hostilities against Germany and after the Imperial sanction was obtained, they communicated this resolution to the British Government. Full and frank exchange of views between the two governments followed and it was finally agreed between them to take such actions as may be necessary to protect the general interest contemplated by the Agreement of Alliance. 〔中译〕 当远东的贸易不断受到威胁之际,向来以结盟为其外交政策主导原则的日本,在她的盟国请求援助时,则不可能不答应这个请求,而尽她应尽的一份责任。此外,政府认为德国的利益与日英结盟的利益是相对立的。她在远东的一隅为其强有力的行动占据一个基地,不仅对维持东亚持久和平是一个严重的障碍,而且也与我们帝国最直接的利益相冲突。因此政府决定答应英国的请求,而且决定在必要时采取与德国政府相敌对的行动,一经获得天皇批准,政府即与英国互通这个决定。在完全坦诚地交换各自的看法之后,最后一致同意采取这样的步骤,正是为了保卫日英盟约所规定的利益所必需的。 |
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