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卷八 二二、记新闻两则 |
(二月六日) 今日(二月六日)报载两事,可记也: 一为美国海军费案之通过。全案共需美金一四一,一八九,七八六元。 一为卡匿奇(Andrew Carnegie)及洛克非老(Rockefeller,J. D. Sr.)二人 同日受美政府所委实业界关系调査部(Commission on Industrial Relations)之质问。二人皆世界巨富,施财如土。积年以来,卡氏共散财324,657,399元,洛氏共散财250,000,000元,可谓豪矣。受质问之时,卡氏意气自如,庄谐杂出,倾倒一堂。其论积财,有足观者,记其最精警一语如下: "The day is not far distant, "said Mr. Camegie, "when the man who dies leaving behind him millions of available wealth, which were free for him to administer during life, will pass away unwept, unhonored. and unsung, no matter to what use he leaves the dross which he cannot take with him. Of such as these the public verdict will then be: 'The man who dies thus rich dies disgraced.'" 〔中译〕 “这一天不会太远,”卡匿奇先生说,“一个人死后还留下万贯家财,那么他死时将无人哀悼,无人纪念。这些生不带来死不带去的财富,不管他身后如何处置,终究只是一团废物。人们自会有一句话来裁决他:‘作为富翁而死是毫无价值的。’” 洛氏则奄奄无生气,体弱故也。洛氏吾未之见,卡氏去年在此演说吾尝见之,其人短小精灵,望之不似陶朱之流也。 |
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