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卷八 二九、罗素论战争 |
(二月十二日) … In a word, it is the means of repelling hostile aggression which make hostile aggression disastrous and which generate the fear by which hostile nations come to think aggression justified. Between civilized nations, therefore, non-resistance would seem not only a distant religions ideal, but the course of practical wisdom. Only pride and fear stand in the way of its adoption. But the pride of military glory might be overcome by a nobler pride and the fear might be overcome by a clearer realization of the solidity and indestructibility of a modern civilized nation. 〔中译〕 总而言之,反抗敌国的侵略将使这种侵略变成一种灾难,它使敌国产生忧虑,从而认为自己的侵略行为是正义的。 所以,在文明国家中,不争主义似乎不仅是久远的宗教理想,而且是实践智慧的源泉。只有自傲和忧虑是接受不争主义的障碍,但军事荣耀可以由更高尚的自豪去克服。对现代文明国家坚不可摧的清醒认识,则有助于克服忧虑感。 Bertrand Russell乃当代哲学巨子,亦发此言,可见吾所持论初非梦想妄语也。 |
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