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卷九 五、婉而谑之乐观语 |
(二月廿二日) At the age of fifty we discover that not much is done in a lifetime, and yet that, not withstanding all the immeasurable ignorance and stupidity of the majority of the race, there is a gradual and sensible victory being gained over barbarism and wrong of every kind. I think we may, in some sort, console ourselves. If we cannot win as fast as we wish, we know that our opponents cannot in the long run win at all. —Trevelyan's Life of John Bright, Page297. 〔中译〕 年届五十,吾辈始发觉自己一生碌碌无为。然就某种意义言,吾辈尚可自慰。虽然大多数国人麻木不仁、愚昧无知、野蛮粗俗、丑态百出,但是,对此吾人仍渐渐地取得了较为明显的成绩。如果我们不能很快获得预期的成功,那么,从长远的观点来看,我们的对手也终将一无所获。 ——约翰·布赖特:《特里维廉的一生》,第279页 上所录亦是乐观之语,而其言何婉而谑也! |
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