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卷九 一四、致The Post-Standard(syracuse)书 |
(三月四日) To the Editor ofThe Post-Standard: I feel myself highly honored to read the favorable comments you have given to my letter toThe New Republic. I agree with your remark that "a Japanese attempt to assume charge of China will result in a sea of trouble, and we hope Japan has statesmen who can see it". I strongly believe that any attempt to establish a Japanese directorship in China is no more and no less than sowing the seeds of disturbance and bloodshed in China for the countless years to come. Whosoever advocates that policy shall live to see that great catastrophe befall China and mankind. Have we not seen anti-Japanese sentiments already prevailing in China? I thank you for your sympathetic attitude toward my country. Ithaca, March 3 Suh Hu 〔中译〕 致《标准邮报》(西雷寇)书 主笔先生: 余日前投书《新共和国周报》,此书得到足下之好评,余实深感荣幸。对足下之所言,余深表赞同:“日本企图控制中国,其结局必定是引火烧身,我们希望日本能有有识之政治家看到这一点。”余坚信,任何想要在中国搞日本人统治之企图,无异于在中国播下骚乱和流血的种子,未来的一段岁月中国将鸡犬不宁。不管是谁,他若倡导此种政策,定会看到中国和人类将遭受一场浩劫。君不见反日的仇恨已燃遍了神州大地么? 足下对吾国取同情之态度,余深表谢意。 胡 适 绮色佳,3月3日 此余致The Post-Standard(《标准邮报》)书,即致The Outlook(《外观报》)书之大意也。本城晚报The Ithaca Journal(《绮色佳晚报》)亦转载吾书。吾甚欲人之载之,非以沽名,欲人之知吾所持主义也。 |
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