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卷九 二一、贝尔博士逸事 |
(三月八日) 下所记电话发明家贝尔博士逸事一则,亦天下无不可为之事之一证也。 It is seldom that an inventor sees so fully the complete fruition of his labors as in the case of Dr. Alexander Graham Bell. In 1875, he first talked a short distance of a few feet over his epoch-making invention, the telephone. Last week he spoke to his assistant in his first experiments, Mr. Thomas W. Watson, clear across the American continent. Mr. Bell spoke in New York; his voice was clear audibie to his hearer in San Francisco, a distance of 3,400 miles. This development of the telephone in longdistance use brings it again before the public as one of the greatest wonders of a marvelous era of invention. 〔中译〕 世上之发明家,很少有像亚历山大·格雷厄姆·贝尔博士那样能完全享受到自己的劳动果实。1875年,他第一次用他的创世纪发明——电话,向一个只有几英尺远的地方讲话。上周,他与他的首次实验的助手——托马斯·W·华生先生通电话,声音清晰地穿过美洲大陆。贝尔先生在纽约打电话,他的助手在三千四百英里之外的旧金山,清楚地听到了贝尔的说话声。在此奇妙之发明时代,远距离电话作为一项伟大的奇迹,终于问世了。 |
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