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卷九 二三、《告马斯》诗重改稿 |
(三月十九夜) 世界战云正急,而东方消息又复大恶。余则坚持镇静主义。上星期读康德之《太平论》(Zum Ewigen Frieden),为作《康德之国际道德学说》一文。连日百忙中又偷闲改作数月前所作《告马斯》一诗(见卷八第六则)。前作用二巨人故实,颇限于体制,不能畅达,故改作之,亦无聊中之韵事也。 TO MARS Morituri te salutamus. Supreme lord! We who are about to die Salute thee! We have come all at thy call To lay down strength and soul and all in all, without a murmuring, nor knowing why! But ah! how wild roam these last thoughts of ours! How vivid we recall the thrilling lore Of those Alæan Giants, who of yore Dared mete their strength against thy wrathful powers; And brought thee from the heavens and captived thee, Till all four Seasons passed by and the Earth With mirth bade welcome to the thirteenth birth Of the new moon since thy captivity! And know'st thou what these dying eyes behold? "Midst human anguish and war's thund" ring storms, There have arisen two new gigantic forms Of ceaseless growth and potency untold. And in their advent we hear toll'd thy knell! They—Love and Law—shall right all human wrong, And Peace and Justice be mankind's new song. So be our idle wish: now fare thee well! 〔中译〕 告马斯 垂死之臣敬礼陛下 至高无上之神啊!垂死之臣 向汝敬礼!吾人皆奉召而来 向汝奉献吾人之力量、灵魂和一切, 没有一丝呻吟,不问任何缘由! 啊!垂死之臣思绪万千,心潮澎湃! 回忆起有关亚兰巨人之传说 这令人激动之传说在眼前栩栩如生, 惟有这些巨人胆敢冒犯汝暴怒之龙颜; 他们将汝撵下天庭,捆缚结实, 一年四季悄悄地流逝了 吾人满怀欣喜祝贺汝之新生 成阶下囚十三个月后汝又降临! 汝可知垂死之眼注视着什么? 在人类之苦难和战争之硝烟中, 出现了两个崭新之巨人形象, 他们持续生长,力大无比。 他们一来就把汝之丧钟敲响! 他们——爱和法律——将匡正人类之过失, 和平和正义将为人类谱写新曲。 此乃吾人之愚愿:祝汝顺利! |
太玄书阁(xuge.org) |
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