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卷九 二六、星期日之演说词


  The Christians are Christians in giving charities and in their private and civil dealings. But they are not Christians when they come to international relations. They "strain at a gnat, and swallow a camel!" So long as the professedly Christian nations recognize no authority but that of the "mailed fist"; so long as they have no regard for the right and claims of the weaker nations; so long as they place national and commercial gain and territorial aggression over and above the dictates of justice and righteousness, —so long Christianity can never become a world power, so long all your missionary work can never long endure and will all be swept away at a signal of Mars!

  This was the statement of Suh Hu, a well-known Chinese, in his lecture last night at the Presbyterian Church on "The Christian Opportunity in China," the fifth in a series of talks on "The Spiritual Significance of Secular Callings. " Such was his opinion, he said, after considering the German seizure of Kiac-chau of 1897 and the French seizure of Kwangchow Bay of 1898, under the pretext that two German missionaries and one French missionary had been killed by the mob, both acts being responsible for the Boxer uprising in 1900. Suh Hu continued:

  "If Christianity is to become a world religion, it is the duty of every individual Christian and every Christian Church to pledge himself, herself, or itself to raise the present standard of international morality. Most of you take it for granted that what you are fond of calling 'civilization' is based upon the solid rock of Christianity. But let me tell you with all sincerity that the present civilization is founded, not upon the Christian ideals of love and righteousness, but upon the law of the jungle—the law that might makes right! Think of the many Christian nations now praying in the churches and to the Christian God for victory and success in their efforts to destroy their fellow Christians! And then think of the Christian commandment: 'Love ye one another; Love thy enemy; Resist not evil'."

  After showing the growing popularity of Christianity in China and the gradual removal of such difficulties as those which the pioneer missionary had to encounter, the speaker devoted much time to discussing what the missionaries have done and can do in that vast country. There are three lines of work which the Christian may accomplish: First, making converts; second, spreading the Christian ideas and ideals; and third, rendering practical service.

  "There was a time when the missionaries were paid according to the number or converts they had made. But that is not what China wants, nor is it what the churches should emphasize in sending their missionaries.

  "More important is the spreading of the essentials of Christianity, by which are meant, not the theological dogmas such as the doctrines of virgin birth, of original sin, of atonement, etc., but the truly Christian doctrine of love, of loving one's neighbor, of even loving one's enemy, of nonresistance, of forgiveness, of self-sacrifice and of service. The missionary should spread broadcast these Christian ideals, and present them to the native minds in whatever way he sees fit. He should not stress the increase of the roll of his church members, but rather leave these ideals to take root and bear fruit in the minds of the people.

  "A third and still more important object of the missionary is to render practical service, under which we may enumerate education, social reform, and medical and surgical missions. Along these lines the Christian missionaries have accomplished a great deal, especially the medical missions which, to my mind, are the crowning glory and success of the missionary propaganda.

  "The real value of the missionary lies in the fact that the foreign missionary, like a returned student from abroad, always carries with him a new point of view, a critical spirit, which is often lacking when a people have grown accustomed and indifferent to the existing order of things, and which is absolutely necessary for any reform movement."











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