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卷九 四四、致Ithaca Daily News书


  EditorIthaca Daily News:

  Sir—Dr. W. E-Griffis's statement concerning the Japanese demands on China, published inthe Post-Standardyesterday morning and quoted in the evening papers here, calls for a word of comment.

  "Let Japan direct the destinies of China," Doctor Griffis is reported to have said. "This is the wisest course to pursue in settling the troubles between the two nations."While we do not doubt the doctor's good will towards the Mikado's empire, nor his knowledge of that country, we can not help feeling that he has ignored one important factor. He has failed to see that the Orient of today is no longer the same Orient as he saw it decades ago. In these days of national consciousness and racial solidarity no nation can ever hope to "direct the destinies" of another in order to settle the trouble between them. Has Doctor Griffis failed to learn from his Japanese source of information that there have already been very strong anti-Japanese sentiments, nay, anti-Japanese movements everywhere in China? Does he think that the Chinese will long acquiesce to Japan's direction of their destinies, even if she can temporarily succeed to do so?

  There is, however, an element of truth in the statement that "it is for Japan's own advantage for China to remain united and strong and to develop her resources." China is the bulwark of Japan, and as the Chinese proverb goes, "the destruction of the lips chills the teeth." It is for that very reason that there should be a better understanding and relationship between China and Japan. But if Japan thinks she can acquire this "advantage" by dominating over China and directing her affairs by force, then she is gravely mistaken. What she has done and is now doing to China is nothing but sowing the seeds of hatred deep in the hearts of the Chinese and lowering her own esteem in the eyes of the more humanitarian nations.

  Doctor Griffis also tells us that Count Okuma "intends to be perfectly just to China". Does the learned doctor deduce the notion of "perfect justice" from the Japanese demands? We wonder what his criterion of "perfect justice" could be.

  Very sincerely yours

  Suh Hu








  胡 适 谨上

  书中所驳之W. E. Griffis为绮色佳人,曾居日本,著书甚多,甚负时名,其言不无影响,故不得不一辨之。

  后得Dr. W. E. Griffis来书,其略如下,似是遁词:

  I gave the reporter in Syracuse the Japanese view of affairs, not mine, and the reports you justly object to are not accurate, nor my views…



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