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卷九 五三、日人果真悔悟乎 |
(五月十日) 中日交涉得暂时了结,日人似稍憬然觉悟侵略政策之非计矣,故有最后之让步。今记其最后之结果如下: According to this statement Japan withdrew requests relating to the establishment of a joint Sino-Japanese police service in certain localities. It also withdrew the suggestion that the Japanese be permitted to own land for the purpose of erecting churches. The proposal that China shall not cede any territory on the coast to any foreign power will not be included in the treaty, but the same idea will be proclaimed to the world in a declaration to be made by the Chinese Government. Japan did not force the acceptance of the much-disputed group 5 contained in the original demand, but preferred to reserve the privilege to conifer with China at some future time with a view to arriving at a satisfactory settlement of the matters included in that group. With regard to Eastern Inner Mongolia, Fukien Province and the Han-yeh-ping Company, Japan has greatly modified her proposal. In addition, Japan definitely proposed to return Kiao-chau to China, provided, of course, that the Powers at the end of the war accord Japan the right of free disposal of the territory. STATUS OF SOUTH MANCHURIA The most important part of the agreement consists of terms relating to South Manchuria. These terms, as accepted by China, are in substance as follows: (1) Japanese subjects to be permitted to 1ease or buy land for erecting buildings for commercial and industrial purposes or for agricultural purposes; (2) Japanese subjects to have liberty to enter, travel, or reside in South Manchuria and to conduct business of all kinds; (3) to enjoy the above privileges the Japanese subjects shall present passports to the local Chinese authorities and shall be registered by the said Chinese authorities; (4) they shall be governed by the Chinese police laws and regulations approved by the Japanese consuls, and shall pay to the Chinese authorities taxes approved by the Japanese consuls. When the laws and judicial system of South Manchuria shall have been reformed in accord with modern principles of jurisprudence, all civil and criminal suits involving Japanese subjects shall be tried and decided by Chinese courts. Pending such reformation, however, the Japanese consul, where a Japanese subject is a defendant, and the Chinese officia, where a Chinese is the defendant, shall respectively try and decide civil and criminal cases, the Japanese consul and the Chinese official being permitted each to send his authorized agent to attend the trial of the other and watch the proceedings. Civil cases concerning land between Japanese and Chinese shall be examined and decided jointly by the Japanese consul and the Chinese official in accordance with the 1aws and local customs of China. REGARDING EASTERN MONGOLIA With regard to eastern inner Mongolia, the agreement arrived at consists of the following terms: (1) China shall permit joint enterprises of the Japanese and Chinese in agriculture and allied industries; (2) in case China contemplates contracting either railway loans or any loans to be secured by taxes she shall first consult Japan; (3) China shall open a number of places to foreign trade. As to the Han-yeh-ping Company, in which Japan has invested some $10,000,000, China agrees: (1) To approve the arrangement for joint management that may be made in the future between the company and the Japanese capitalists; (2) not to confiscate its property; (3) not to nationalize the undertaking without the consent of the interested Japanese capitalists; (4) not to permit it to contract any foreign loan other than Japanese. Regarding Fukien Province, the Chinese territory nearest to the Japanese island of Formosa, the Chinese Government engages not to grant any foreign Power the right to build shipyard, coaling or naval station, or any other military establishment on or along its coast. Nor shall China permit any such establishment to be built with any foreign capital. These are the sum and substance of the terms accepted by China. PROVISIONS OF GROUP FIVE In addition to these, there is group five, which China refused to accept, and regarding which Japan reserves the privilege of future consideration. This group consists of these terms: (1) That the Chinese Government shall, in case it be deemed necessary in the future, employ Japanese advisers; (2) that the Chinese Government shall permit Japanese subjects to lease or purchase land for the purpose of building schools and hospitals in the interior; (3) that the Chinese Goverment shall at some future time send military officers to Japan in order to make arrangements directly with the Japanese military authorities either for purchase of arms from Japan or for establishing an arsenal in China under a joint Japanese and Chinese management; (4) that the Chinese Government shall grant Japan the desired railway concession in South China in case it becomes clear that there is no objection in this respect on the part of any other Power, or that the Chinese Government shall refrain from entering into any agreement with any other party concerning the railway lines in question until Japan may, independently with the present negotiation with China, reach an agreement with the party whose interests are, in the opinion of the Chinese Government, opposed to the proposed lines; (5) that Japanese Buddhists be permitted to preach their doctrines in any part of China. From the careful wording of the terms of group five it is obvious that Japan has no intention to encroach upon England's sphere of influence. The railway which Japan proposes to build, connecting Hankow, Kiu-kiang, and Hangchow, will never be built without England's previous consent. 〔中译〕 按此声明,日本取消其要求:即在中国某些地区建立一中日联合维持治安之政策;同时也取消其建议:即允许日人在中国拥有土地以作建立教堂之用。有关中国将决不割让沿海领土予任何外来强权之提议,将不包含在此条约内,但此项打算将由中国政府另行向世界宣告。日本未曾强迫中国接受原条约中最有争议之第五项,但提出要保留一个特权:即,将来在某个时候与中国政府就该项条约之有关问题进行磋商,以达到一圆满之解决。至于东部内蒙、福建、和汉冶萍公司问题,日本已对其原来的提议作了大幅度之修改。此外,日本明确提议,假如在战争结束时各列强赋予日本自由处置胶州之权利,日本将把胶州归还给中国。 南满之地位 组成该条约之最重要的内容是有关南满的部分。这些条款已被中国接受,其大体内容如下:(1)允许日本臣民租借或购买土地,建筑房屋,以作商业、工业或农业之活动使用;(2)日本臣民享有在南满自由出入、旅游或居住,以及进行各种贸易活动之权利;(3)在享有上述种种特权时,日本臣民应向当地之中国政府出示其护照,并由上述之中国政府登记造册;(4)他们必须遵守经由日本领事同意之中国治安法律和规定,也必须向当地之中国政府交纳经由日本领事同意之税款。 在南满之法律与司法系统经过改革,使之符合现代法理学原则之后,所有涉及日本臣民之民事和刑事诉讼案件,均由中囯法庭审理并判决。然而,在此改革期间,涉及上述民事和刑事诉讼案件时,作为被告一方之日本臣民,或作为被告一方之中国人,将分别由日本领事和中国政府官员进行审理和判决。日本领事和中国政府官员将允许互相派遣各自委托的代理人,参加对方之案件审理,并观察审理之全过程。凡涉及日本人与中国人之间发生的土地民事纠纷,将由日本领事和中国政府官员按中国法律和当地习俗共同仲裁或判决。 关于东部内蒙 关于东部内蒙古,已达成如下条款:(1)中国将允许中日双方共同兴办农业企业和联合工业企业;(2)倘使中国打算以税收作担保,签订铁路贷款合同或其它任何贷款合同,中国均须首先与日本协商;(3)中国应开放一些口岸作对外贸易之用。 关于汉冶萍公司,日本已投资一千万美元,中国方面同意:(1)改进公司各项工作,以便将来公司和日本资方共同进行管理;(2)不得没收公司资产;(3)在没有征得与公司有利害关系的日本资方之同意时,不得将公司国有化;(4)不得与除日本之外的任何他国签订贷款合同。 关于福建省,由于该省是与日本福摩萨岛最接近之中国领土,因此,中国政府不得赋予任何他国在福建沿岸或沿海,建立船坞、燃料补给站、海军基地,或者任何其它军事设施之权利。中国也不得用任何外国资本来兴建上述种种设施。 以上即为中国所接受之条款。 第五项条款 除此之外,尚有第五项条款,为中国拒绝接受,日本就此提出要保留其特权,以待将来再行协商。此项条款之内容大致如下:(1)倘使中国政府将来认为有必要聘请顾问,应聘请日本顾问;(2)中国政府应允许日本臣民在其内地租借或购买土地,以作修建学校和医院之用;(3)中国政府应在将来某个时候派遣军官到日本,以便直接与日本军方接触,安排从日本购买武器之事宜,或者,安排在中国建立一兵工厂,由中日双方共同管理;(4)倘使没有任何其他大国的明确反对,中国政府应给予日本享有其所要求的部分华南铁路之特许权,或者,在日本与另一国达成协议之前(此协议与当前中日两国间之谈判无关),并且在中国政府看来,该国所获之利益与上述有关内容相冲突时,中国政府均不应与该国就上述之铁路达成任何协议;(5)允许日本佛教徒在中国各地讲道,传播其教义。 就第五项条款之谨慎用词来看,很明显,日本并无侵犯英国在华势力范围之意图。日本提议修建之铁路,即连接汉口、九江和杭州三城市之铁路,在没有征得英国同意的前提下,日本是决不会修建的。 此次交涉,余未尝不痛心切齿,然余之乐观主义终未尽消,盖有二故焉: (一)吾国此次对日交涉,可谓知己知彼,既知持重,又能有所不挠,能柔亦能刚,此则历来外交史所未见。吾国外交,其将有开明之望乎? (二)此次日人以青岛归我,又收回第五项之要求,吾虽不知其骤变初心之原因果何在,然日人果欲以兵力得志于中国,中国今日必不能抵抗。日之不出于此也,岂亦有所悔悟乎?吾则以为此日人稍悟日暮途远倒行逆施之非远谋之征也。 |
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