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卷九 六六、致C. W. 书


  Indeed I have been drifting—farther and farther away from my main purpose. Not without a plausible pretext perhaps, —that is the worst of it. I have long needed a steersman who can set me on the right course. Yet so far no one, except you, has been able to give me what I am surely in need of. For a time I began to see dimly through mine own eyes this drifting, and was alarmed by it. And then this Sino-Japanese Crisis upset the whole thing and once more I found excuses for my irrelevant activities.

  You have been very kind. You have done me a great deal of good. I have now determined to live up to what you said to me yesterday…

  So much for idle wishing—how

  It steals the time! To business now!

  To business now!








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