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卷十一 六、论袁世凯将称帝


  报载袁世凯将复帝制,美儒古德诺(Frank J. Goodnow)赞翊其说,不知确否?昨下午纽约《外观报》(The Outlook)以电相告,谓其社中记者将据报载消息立言,并询余意见。余为作短文论之。


  It is quite unnecessary either to affirm or to deny the truth of the news from Peking that the project of proclaiming himself Emperor is being deliberately considered by President Yuan Shikai, and that Professor Frank Johnson Goodnow, President of Johns Hopkins University and Constitutional Adviser to the Chinese Government, has approved the project. Unnecessary it is, because neither its truth nor its falsehood affects the real question—namely, the question of the present status and future prospect of democracy in China.

  Let us first consider what the effects would be if the report were true. Will the assumption of an imperial title enhance Mr. Yuan's dictatorial powers, or will his refusal to call himself Emperor leave China more democratic? My answer is, No. For it is safe to say that under the present constitution the president of the Chinese Republic has more power than any other ruler in the world, not excluding the Kaiser or the Czar. I make this statement advisedly. For under the present constitution, in the making of which, we are told, Professor Goodnow has had no little influence, the president represents the nation, summons and dissolves the Li-fa-yuen, proposes legislation and presents budgets in the Li-fa-yuen, executes the law, issues ordinances equivalent to national laws, declares war, negotiates peace, appoints and dismisses civil and military officers, has power to pardon or commute penalties, is the Commander-in-chief of the army and navy, receives Ambassadors and Ministers, and makes treaties with foreign nations. What more can a monarchical title add to this long list of governmental powers?

  What is more important is the length of the Presidential term of office and mode of election. The "Procedure of Presidential Election" passed by the Constitutional Convention last December contains these unique provisions:

  1.The president shall hold office for a term of ten years, and is eligible for reelection.

  2.Fifty members of the Council of state, and fifty members of the Lifa-yuen, to be elected among themselves, shall constitute the Electoral College.

  3.Preceding every presidental election, the present President, representing the will of the people, shall nominate three men to be candidates to succeed himself.

  4.On the day of electionthe president shall announce to the Electoral College the names of the three nominees.

  5.Besides these three Candidatesthe Electoral College may also vote for the present President.

  6.If during the year of presidential election the members of the Council of state deem it a political necessity to have the present president remain in office, they may make proposals to that effect by a two-thirds vote of that body. The proposal thus made shall be proclaimed to the whole nation by the president.

  Thus, under this unique law, the Chinese president may remain in office for life, he alone is entitled to nominate his own successors and that does not prevent the electors from reelecting him, nor is he legally preclued from nominating his own son or grandson. What more can the nominal change from "President" to "Emperor" bring to him?

  Not only will this change bring no real increase of power or dignity to the occupant of the Presidential Chair, but any such more will inevitably result in his ultimate ruin. Those of us who have had some experience with the working of the average mind realize that there is a great deal in a name. However dictatorial President Yuan has become, he has had common sense enough to avoid all "words" that may be objectionable to the vast younger generation who have long dreamed republican dreams without knowing exactly what republicanism means, he has even publicly declared his resolution never to aspire to the imperial throne, and has banished several men who have attempted to advocate monarchism. If Mr. Yuan is really such a shrewd politician as his Western Critics portray him to be, he ought to be able to see that his assumption of the imperial title will immediately expose him to the utter distrust of the whole world and even to the most probable danger of assassination.

  The question of a titular change, however, is of very little importance in the minds of the true republicans of China. The Chinese democracy, they realize, now exists only in name, for almost two years the country has had no parliament, no provincial legislatures, no district councils. There are no political parties, no freedom of press, no freedom of speech. Many a youth has been exiled or executed or assassinated for no other crime than that of holding a radical political philosophy. To be sure, there is a constitution, but a constitution that exalts the chief executive beyond the reach of the law, the parliament, and the people;a constitution which makes the presidency indefinitely long, practically self-elective, and almost hereditary!


  Under such circumstance, what difference will it make whether the "supreme" ruler be called "president" or "emperor"?

  Whether or not Mr. Yuan will become Emperor does not affect the course of Young China(by which I do not mean any particular political faction), which is struggling hard for the establishment of a genuine democracy in China. Young China believes in democracy;it believes thatthe only way to have democracy is to have democracy. Government is an art, and as such it needs practice. I would never have been able to speak English had I never spoken it. The Anglo-Saxon people would never have had democracy had they never practiced democracy. This is a kind of political philosophy which is incomprehensible to men like Professor Croodnow. Professor Goodnow and many other well-meaning constitutional authorities think that the Oriental people are not fit for the democratic form of governmentbecause they have newer had it before. On the contrary, Young China believes that it is precisely because China has not had democracy that she must now have democracy. It believes that if the first Chinese Republic had had a longer life democracy would have by this time established a fairly strong hold in China, and the political experience of four years' democratic government, however imperfect that experience might have been, would have by this time enabled a vast number of the Chinese people to understand what republicanism really means.

  But, alas! The conservatives and the reactionaries have found hearty supporters in our foreign critics who have neither faith nor patience. They have found their spokesmen in such great constitutional authorities as Professors Ariga, of Japan, and Goodnow, of the American Republic. It is conceivable that Professor Ariga should oppose Young China. But when a great scholar from the American Republic came out with the declaration that the Oriental people were by history and tradition disqualified to have representative form of government, the blow was decisive and fatal. These great scholars have wrought their "Authoritative" opinions into the new constitution of the Chinese Republic, and are now on the eve of being decorated by the Chinese Emperor whom they have helped to make.


  The procedure of presidential election is a part of the constitution.



















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