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卷十二 二〇、论革命 |
(一月卅一日) I do not condemn revolutions, because I believe that they are necessary stages in the process of evolution. But I do not favor premature revolutions, because they are usually wasteful and therefore unfruitful. "When the fruit is ripe, it will fall", says a Chinese proverb. Premature plucking only injures the fruit. It is for this reason that I do not entertain much hope for the revolutions now going on in China, although I have deep sympathy for the revolutionists. Personally I prefer to build from the bottom up. I have come to believe that there is no short-cut to political decency and efficiency. The monarchists have no desire for political decency and efficiency. The revolutionists desire them, but they want to attain them by a short-cut—by a revolution. My personal attitude is: "Come what may, let us educate the people. Let us lay a foundation for our future generations to build upon. " This is necessarily a very slow process, and mankind is impatient! But, so far as I can see, this slow process is the only process: "It is requisite to revolutions as well as to evolutions." To Professor H. S. Williams Jan. 31 〔中译〕 吾并非指责革命,因为,吾相信,这也是人类进化之一必经阶段。可是,吾不赞成早熟之革命,因为,它通常是徒劳的,因而是一事无成的。中国有句古话,叫做“瓜熟蒂落”。果子还未成熟,即去采摘,只会弄坏果子。基于此理由,吾对当前正在进行的中国之革命,不抱太多的希望。诚然,吾对这些革命者则深表同情。 作为个人来说,吾倒宁愿从基础建设起。吾一贯相信,通向开明而有效之政治,无捷径可走。持君主论者并不期望开明而有效之政治。革命论者倒是非常渴望,但是,他们却想走捷径——即通过革命。吾个人之态度则是:“不管怎样,总以教育民众为主。让我们为下一代,打一个扎实之基础。” 这是一个极其缓慢之过程,十分必需之过程,可是,人却是最没耐心的!以愚所见,这个缓慢之过程是唯一必需的:“它既是革命之必需,又是人类进化之必需。” 致H. S. 维廉斯教授 1月31日 |
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