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卷十二 三〇、伊丽鹗论教育宜注重官能之训练


  Advocating the training of children in the uses of their senses, that they may develop as keen a perception as that of the practitioner in medicine, Dr. Charles W. Eliot, President Emeritus of Harvard College, in a pamphlet which will shortly be issued by the General Education Board calls attention to certain defects in our present educational methods.

  "In respect to the training of their senses," says Dr. Eliot, "the children of well-to-do parents nowadays are often worse off than the children of the poor, because they are not called upon to perform services in the household or on the farm which give practice in accurate observation and manual dexterity. The training of the senses should always have been a prime object in human education.

  "The kind of education the modern world has inherited from ancient times was based chiefly on literature. As a result the programs of secondary schools in the United States allotted only an insignificant portion of school time to the cultivation of the perceptive power through music and drawing, and, until lately, boys and girls in secondary schools did not have their attention directed to the fine arts by any outsider or voluntary organizations. "

  That medicine and surgery have attained their remarkable progress in the last twenty-five years. Dr. Eliot attributes to the training which the practitioner receives in accurate diagnosis, and its consequent high development of the perceptive faculties. Similar training in other branches of education Dr. Eliot believes to be of prime importance for the coming generation.

  "The changes which ought to be made immediately in the programs of American secondary schools, in order to correct the glaring deficiencies in the programs," he says, "are, chiefly: The introdution of more hand, ear, and eye work, such as drawing, carpentry, turning, music, sewing, and cooking, and the giving of much time to the sciences of observation. These sciences should be taught in the most concrete manner possible—that is, in laboratories, with ample experimenting done by the individual pupil with his own eyes and hands, and in the field, through the pupil's own observation, guided by expert leaders. "












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