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卷十六 八、杜威先生小传



  此小传见于三月廿六日《独立》周报,作者为Edwin E. Slosson(爱德华·斯劳森)。

  If some historian should construct an intellectual weather map of the United States he would find that in the eighties the little arrows that show which way the wind blows were pointing in toward Ann Arbor, Michigan, in the nineties toward Chicago, Illinois, and in the nineteen hundreds toward New York City, indicating that at these points there was a rising current of thought. And if he went so far as to investigate the cause of these local upheavals of the academic atmosphere he would discover that John Dewey had moved from one place to the other. It might be a long time before the psychometeorologist would trace these thought currents spreading over the continent back to their origin, a secluded classroom where the most modest man imaginable was seated and talking in a low voice for an hour or two a day. Knowing that every biographer is expected to show that the got his peculiar talents by honest subject of his sketch inheritance I wrote to Professor Dewey to inquire what there was in his genealogy to account for his becoming a philosopher. His ancestry is discouraging to those who would find an explanation for all things in heredity.

  My ancestry, particularly on my father's side, is free from all blemish. All my forefathers earned an honest living as farmers, wheelwrights, coopers. I was absolutely the first one in seven generations to fall from grace. In the last few years atavism has set in and I have raised enough vegetables and fruit really to pay for my own keep.

  John Dewey was born in Burlington, Vermont, october 20, 1859, the son of Archibald S. and Lucina A. (Rich) Dewey. His elder brother, Davis Rich Dewey, is professor of economics and statistics in the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the author of the Special Report on Employees and Wages in the 12th Census as well as of many other works on finance and industry.

  John Dewey went to the State University in his native town and received his A.B. degree at twenty. Being then uncertain whether hisliking for philosophical studies was sufficient to be taken as a call to that calling he applied to the one man in America most competent and willing to decide such a question, W. T. Harris, afterward United States Commissioner for Education, but then superintendent of schools in St. Louis. Think of the courage and enterprise of a man who while filling this busy position and when the war was barely over started aJournal of speculative philosophyand founded a Philosophical Society and produced a series of translations of Hegel, Fichte and other German metaphysicians. It would be hard to estimate the influence of Dr. Harris in raising the standards of American schools and in arousing an interest in intellectual problems. When young Dewey sent him a brief article with a request for personal advice he returned so encouraging a reply that Dewey decided to devote himself to philosophy. so, after a year spent at home reading under the direction of Professor Torrey of the University of Vermont, one of the old type of scholarly gentleman, Dewey went to Johns Hopkins University, the first American university to make graduate and research work its main object. Here he studied under George S. Morris and followed him to the University of Michigan as Instructor in Philosophy after receiving his Ph. D. at Johns Hopkins in 1884. Two years later he married Alice Chipman of Fenton, Michigan, who has been ever since an effective collaborator in his educational and social work. In 1888 he went to the University of Minnesota as Professor of Philosophy but was called back to Michigan at the end of one year.

  When President Harper went thru the country picking up brilliant and promising young men for the new University of Chicago, Dewey was his choice for the chair of philosophy. During the ten years Dewey spent on the Midway Plaisance he had the opportunity to try out the radical ideas of education of which I have spoke. In 1904 Dewey was called to Columbia University where he has since remained.







  当芝加哥大学校长哈泼为新成立的芝加哥大学遍访出色有为的青年时,杜威被选中担任哲学教学方面的工作。在Midway Plaisance度过的十年时间中,他有机会研究出了他的关于教育的基本学说,这个学说我在前面已经提及。1904年,杜威被邀请至哥伦比亚大学,并一直在那里工作到现在。

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