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  Empress of Canada



  This is the 8th day on board and I haven’t told you much about what itfeels to be on board such a big ship as the Empress of Canada.The fact is we very much regret having taken to this boat instead of one of the Dollar-line boats.This is a Canadaship,a Britisher,not American. Consequently the atmosphere on board is pervaded with that British chill which is made doubly worse by the sea chill of the Northern Pacific.You mean to tell me thisis summer time?Yes,except in the sight of here and the rebarely surviving white flannels and white canvas shoes one finds it extremely difficult to make out any trace of summer.Enter the drawing room sand you feel(not surprisedly)the good of the radiators heartily at work again;goto the decks and you feel the good of caps and over coats and heavy shawls and thicks team ship rugs tightly tugged round your sides;look at the sea and you are confronted with indifferent masses of steely water hemmed in by hazy horizons andover cast with amisty firmament that promises neither sunlightn or gladhuedclouds.And you mean to tell me that this is summer, the month of June?

  W emps just proposed a star plan to us which,jf success- fully carried out will combine art and money.“Go to join the Hollywood crowd and make a million gold dollars of fortune out of say three years’ work”-he say she can think of no better plan than that.







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