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  Thoughts on 'Women.

  By Max O'Reil

  1. Woman is an angel who may become a de- e sister of mercy who may change into viper, ladybird who may be transformed into

  Sometimes she never changes, and all her lifi- time angel, sister of mercy, ladybird. and sweet fragrant flower. It depends a great deal on the gardener.

  2. The Lord took from man a with which he made a woman. As soan this process was finished, woman back to man, and took the rest of him, which she has kept ever since.

  3. Women were not born to but they have enough inborn power to govern man who commands, and, as a ride, the best and happiest marriages are those where women have most authority, and her advice is oftenest followed.

  4. A man may be as perfect us you like, he will never be but a rough diamond until he has been cut and polished by the delicate hand of a woman.

  Max O'Rell(1848—1903)法兰西人也。本名Paul Bloueto授法兰西语于伦敦St. Paul's School。纳英女为室。善为讽刺文。论评著作。 言英伦风土者为多。所著‘英人及其乡土’。(英名John Bulland His Island. 法名JohnBull et Son Ile.)最知名。其书颇嘲英人。而英人无不乐观之。晚年居巴黎。任New York Jouanal.之通信员。五、世间男子凡三种。有置身诱惑而抗之者。有惧其陷溺而避之者。有进而求之者。其以恋爱为人生第一义者。惟于第一种男子中见之。






  5. There are three kinds of men: those who will come across temptations and resist them, them for fear of succumbing, and those who seek them. among the are to be found only men whose for a woman is the first consideration of their lives.

  6. Men who always praise women do not know them ; men who always speok ill of them do not know them at all.

  7. Men study women, and form opinions, generally wrong ones, womon look at men, guess their character, and seldom make mistakes.

  8. It is a great misfortune not, to be loved by the one you low; but it is a still greater one to be loved by the one whom you ceased to love.

  9. I am not prepared to say that celibacy is to marriage; it has, however, this decided advantage over it: a bachelor always cease to be one the moment he has discovered that he has made a mistake.

  10. A woman knows that a man who in love with her long before he does. A women's intuition is keener then her sight; in fact, it is a sixth sense given to her y nature, and which is more powerful them the other five put together.

  上帝取Adam.之肋骨造Eve.事见旧约创世记。俗传女子肋骨廿五。 较男子多一条云。as a rule=susally. wrong ones=wrong opinions. celibacy is preferable(宁取)to marriage. 与其结婚宁取独身之义。over it 之it。 乃marriage 之代名词。before he does.=before he knows. nature=天然。

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