太玄书阁 > 新青年 > 青年杂志第一卷第四号 | 上页 下页





















  Blood And Iron.

  Who is responsible? Now, when the red deluge has sosuddenlyandunexpectedly surprised the whole of Europe, we hear on every handthesame question: Who is respousuble?

  Evedently, each country hasitsownparticularanswertothequery. The rulers of every land throw the blame on their rivals, andthe Press, whose special concern it is to manufacture "publicopinion," makes the necessary observations and comments. The Kaiserdeclaresthat it was enemies of Germany who compelled himtowagewar, andthat he was the soleperdoninEuropewhocontinuallystrovetomaintain peace among the European nations. In England and France, onthe other hand, the Kaiser is the "mad dog" of Europe,theonlyonewho continually hindered and disturbed the peaceful relationsofitsown peoples. And the Tsar,thered- handedexecutionerofRussianfreedom, who converted Russia into a huge cemetery, andendeavouredto stifle the lost hope of his oppressed subjects in a sea of blood -he talks of a holy war, a Just war, in order to ensurethehappinessand well-being of Europe!

  And in all lands the sounding church-bells arsOllingthepiousChristians to comeandunitetheirprayrsthattheLordshoulddestroy the enemy, andbless"theirbanners"ThesameGod! thesame Christians! the same Gospel, whose founder said,"Love thynighbour as thyself"!

  What scandalous comedy! And how deep the ignoranceanddeceptionof the people who neither will nor can see this colossalfraud, andthe unserupulous intrigues of their oppressors.

  Who is responsible? You ask. Do not lookfortheresponsibilityin others. Look for it in yourselves. Seek itinthecursedsystemwhose victims we all are; intheStateeapitalisticcivilisationwhich is based on arganised violence, on the shameful exploitationofall the nations!

  You do not know, it seems, that we have been livinginastateof war for many, many years past; You have ignoredthewarthatisbeing waged daily in our beautiful soeiety, thereforeyounowhaveareal war. You were silent when men, women, and children fell ingreatnumbers upon the industrial field, therefore younowseeyoursonsfalling on the battlefield. For the same powers that deprivedyouofthe fruits of your labour, and compelled you by hunger andstarvationto create riches foraminority of privileged thievesandidlers - thesame powers will now take away the lives of your sonsandbrothers,and force you with their guns to die for their interests.

  In a ward, you did not want the revolution, so you now have war -thewhalesalemurderofthenations. Therevolutionariseonlyappeared to you as Utopians, dreamers, unpractical men. Yourrulerswere more practical, andthethunderofcannon, laceratedhumanbodies, and rivers of blood now speak to you of theresults oftheirpractieability.

  Who is to blame? Capitalism anditstwin- brother, themodernState! Your yourselves are to blame, becauseyouignoredthegreatdoctrine of anew social cuilture, because you wouldnotpreventthecotastrophe while there was yet time to do so.

  No one knows what the future has in storeforus. Onething,however, is certain:Capitalism is war - Socialismmeanspeaceamongthe nations. So long as the producing classes willallowaminorityof privileged robbers to monapolise the fruit of their labour, andtocondemn millions of human beings to a state of eternalmisery, justso long will you have war among the different recesand notionalities.The immense fortunes that are to-dayaccumulatingwithinthehandsofafew do not arise merely from the usual explaitation ofworkmanbythe master ormanufacturer, butaretheresultofinterationalspeculations in the greathuntforthedomintionoftheworld'smarkets. That is whyCopitalismineverycountrywasobligedtoincrease the power of the modern state, and to developmilitarismtosuch mad proportions. For a strong military and centralisedStateistheonlyguaranteefortherealisationofmadernImperialistictendencies of Capitalism wery where.ButImperialismmeansnothingelse but the econcomic exploitation of other nations, uponthebasisof the exploitation of its own people. In other words,militarismisthe inevitable result of the capitalistic regime,andthereforethecause of ceaseless strife.

  The gient misfortuue is, that the majority ofpeoplecannotseethe connestion, and many will gauge the culture ofanationbythestrength of its armies and its external technicalimprovements. Butthis is one of the greatest mistakes ever made. Germany offers usthebest instance for this. The national unity of that country,under thesupreme rule of Prussia, upon a basis ofextrememilitarismandanall-powerful bureaucracy, has certainlynotproducedwhatwecallGerman culture. On the contrary, that unity hasprovedthegreatesthendrance to the development ofatruepopularculture, andhasalways endeavaured to force the spiritual powers of the Germanpeopledown to the level ef the barracks.

  The finest examples of German culturewereproducedbeforethemilitarysystemandtherenownedunitycameintobeing.Theclossical philosoply of German, her wonderful art and literature —allthat developed when the country comsisted of separate little kingdoms,and had not yet come under the influence and domination of Prussianculture hating militarism.

  The so-called nation alunity and the conversion of Germany intoamilitary State have not doubt been a great gain for Germancapitalism, but by no means for the culture of theGermanpeople. Undertherule of militarism, Germany has become aperiltotheintellectualdevelopment of Europe, and a German victory in thiswarwouldbeagreat blow to every libertarian movement in Europe, ablowtotheGeaman people tnemselves.

  The violation of France in 18.70, andtheannexationofAlsace- Lorraine, weretherealcausesofthecrazydevelopmentofmilitarism in Europe. It is also known that Bismarck andthe PrussianJunker class intended to make of France what has been made of Polane.To this end Bismarck carried on secret negotiations with England,andFrance was obliged to throw herself into the bloody arms oftheTsarin order to maintain her ixistence asanindependentState. AsaresultofthiswehavewitnessedthefrightfuldevelopmentofChauvinism all over Europe, the wealseningofrevolutionaryandlibertariam Socialism, and the trumphofthedreadreactionunderwhich the European peoples are groaning to this day.

  The present war, the most outrageaus crime mankind has ever seen, is but the last word of this reaction, thelastwordofImperialcapitalism and the military state.

  And not only in Germany, but wherever this systemexists, the same results will follow. The bestconstitutionsandmostglorioustraditious of liberty will not prevent their evil consequences.

  "You cannot combatmilitarismbymeansofParliament. "Thissentence was already pronounced as far back as forty years ago byolddemocratJohanJokobi. AnewrevolutionaryrenaissanceoftheEuropean peaples is the onlymeansagainstthisdreadlyenemyosmankind.

  And it is not unlikely that the presentbloodycatastraph e willat last awaken the peoyle from their indifference. Thebitterpainfearful suffering will perhaps make a deeper impression than the wordsof the revolutionaries. It ispossiblethatthesocialRevolutionwill be the last act in the present traged;possiblethatmurderousmilitarism will be drowned in the bloodofitsnumberlessvictems;that the people of the different countrieswilluniteagainst the bloody regime of modern copitalism and its institutions,andfinallyproduce a new social culture upon the basis of free Socialism.

  At the same time the progressive elements mustnotlosecouragehowever great the disaster that has befallenus.Wemustbeanourguard, and if necessary, risk ourlivesforthetrumphofanewsocial order.

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