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美国人之自由精神 |
(The Spirit of Liberty in The American colonies.) Edmund Burke(1730—1797 )者英之Dublin 人也。 幼学于其地之TrinityCollege。得文学士学位。初为William Hamilton之秘书。 后为宰相Rockingham侯爵记室。 颇见亲信。 两度当选为国会议员。历官陆军主计总监。WarrenHastings 之七年审讯。 实彼所弹劾者也。年六十八卒于家。生平著作有“Vindication of Natural Society”。“Reflections on theRevolutioninFrance”。“Thoughts on French Affairs”。诸书行世。其在国会演说之辞皆安雅可诵。而“Conciliation with America”一篇尤为世所称。 兹所译者即斯篇之精英也。 叔雅识。 一、先生。(称国会议长)仆于诸君之宏识夙甚钦仰。然今日诸君醉心于此前未曾试之强权。仆不敏以为过矣。前所陈者即仆所以不敢苟同之理由也。然关于此事尚有第三事当熟思者。较之考其人口贸易尤为重要。予于治美政策之意见将决于此。即其民之心性气质是矣。 二、爱自由者实美人卓然自异之特性也。而宝爱之情既笃。猜嫉之心随深。彼属地之民。一见有微欲以暴力阴谋。攘夺其乐生之资者。乃一变而群疑满腹。众难塞胸。不可得而制驶矣。吾英属人民自由精神之强烈。世界殆无其匹。其所由来甚坚且众。欲了解其心性及此精神之趋向。当更详论之也。 三、第一当知属地人民乃吾英人之苗裔。英旧为崇拜自由之国。吾望其今尚尊敬之。属地人民移住之时为吾英自由精神盛旺之日。彼辈离吾人而远去之时。实挟吾人之所执持以俱往。故彼辈非仅爱自由巳也。又实本吾英人之理想主义以爱自由也。无形自由之不可跻犹其他无形物之不可睹也。故必附丽于有形物焉。各国莫不有其国之蕲向。特重视之以为人民乐利标准。吾国自古凡自由之大争点。多在征税问题。此盖诸君所知也。古代共和国则自始即在选举官吏权或社会阶级权利之平衡。至金资问题于彼等初无若是之直接影响也。 在吾英则不然。关于租税之事。文人则弄其柔翰。谈士则逞其辩才。豪杰之士。多奋其力。且尝艰苦。欲求斯点重要之美满。非仅在夸英宪法为独秀者当主张出金之特权为事实之明征。证此权利在古宪及习惯法中属之所谓众议院巳也。彼辈更进一步。竟得就众议院之特性。理论之结果。证明众议院实人民之直接代表。古载籍之有否此语。非所计也。彼辈以为凡君主国人民。于直接间接自出其金之权终必保持弗失。否则自由徒为虚语。谆谆说之。视为根本原则焉。美人与诸君同此观念亦犹与诸君同其血统也。彼辈爱自由之心固着于征税之特之与诸君同。此自由而弗失则其他种种之安危举不足以动其心彼辈验此(谓征税)如医切脉。视其搏动以断疾病健康者也。彼辈应用公等之通泛理论于其已事。其当否姑不具论。然学说理论实非一国之所得专。要之彼辈固已应用此泛通理论矣。诸君统制彼辈之方。为宽为怠。为得为失。皆非所论。彼辈固笃信本此共通原则其利害实与诸君相同也。 四、彼辈之见解以其各州立法议会之形体证之愈益坚确。彼辈之政体自治之度甚高。或且纯为自治制。各州政府莫不以代议制为重。人民之参与政治常能唤起其高洁之情感。使对欲夺其最要之政权者深恶痛绝焉。 五、苟于此种政府之运用有所缺。则宗教可补救之使竟其功。美之新民。于精力主义之宗教心绝未衰耗。且彼辈所以明示此心之方即其自由精神之一大原因也。彼辈新教徒也。而新教者又最尚自由而忌窒人心志之宗派也。此派不特为崇尚自由。且实本乎自由而兴。先生。(称议长)予以为彼离异国教诸教会所以于类似专制之物皆深恶痛绝之者。其原因非特存乎宗派。又实根乎历史也。罗马加特力教与其所流行处之政府多同时而生互相狼狈。政府所以爱护之者亦无所不至。此夫人而知者也。即英之国教亦自始为政府所扶持焉。然离异派则奋起以与世界一切强权抗。且此反抗起于力争天赋之自由。未可非也。彼等实由此强毅不挠之主张而兴。凡属新教。虽其最冷静者皆实一种离派也。北美所盛行之宗教为距捍主义之秀。不啻离异派中之离异。新教中之尤新者也。此教之诸宗名虽各殊。而自由精神则各宗所同尚。此教盛行于北方诸州。而英之国教。虽有宪法所定之特权。实则无异私家之宗派。美民信之者殆不过十之一而已。美民去英之日。实革新精神极盛之时。移居者特甚。而源源而往之异国人又大都属于背其国教之离异派。抱与美民同之心情性质以俱来也。 六、先生。观诸议员之举动。知有于仆之说持异议者。彼辈盖以为南方诸州奉国教者实居泰半。且其制度井然也。兹事良信。然以愚观之。南部诸州有一事焉。保南北差异之平衡。且使南部之自由精神视北为尤高。其事维何。即佛吉尼亚、加罗理拿诸州蓄奴无算是也。世界无论何地。凡蓄奴处。其自由之民皆甚夸耀宝爱其自由。自由之于彼辈盖非仅为其福利。实不啻好爵特权也。此诸州之宝其自由较他州为甚。视之尤为崇高。不识其在他邦乃人所共有。如雨露之均沾。且与祸灾贱业及臣虏之境遇相连也。先生。仆非颂彼辈此想为圣善之道义也。其中暴慢之心盖亦不少。然人情若此。不可移也。事实如是。无可掩也。此辈南方殖民之爱自由实视北方为笃。其精神视北方为尤崇高强毅。古共和国民正如是。吾祖高提克族正如是。今日之波兰人亦如是。凡身为主人而非奴隶者莫不如是。如此人民其治人之傲倨心与自由精神相融合。实护持之使不可犯也。 七、先生。吾属地犹有一事。其助成此不屈精神之滋长及其效果者不少。即其教育是也。世界无论何国恐无齐民皆修法学如此邦者。治此专门之学者甚众。其力亦甚伟。多为各州之领袖。遣赴中央议会之议员亦大都皆法学家也。凡能读书者(美民大都能读)莫不涉猎斯学。求通其大略。仆闻之某大书贾。运往此殖民地之书籍。宗教短篇书而外。任何种类。无及法学书之多者也。殖民地今能自刊书籍以供其地之需。仆闻美洲所售布腊克斯同氏之法律释义一书。其数殆与在英所售者相埒。盖吉将军之书道此特详。犹在诸君凡上也。将军云。其治下之民大都皆法学家。或略通此学者。彼辈于波士顿竟能行其狡狯。逃吾刑网。舌辩之士或能谓其民既通法律。当益明立法之权利。奉法之义务。背叛之常刑。宜可怀刑守法矣。此说甚是。然吾明达可钦之友。垂听仆芻荛之言。或将斥仆之妄。彼闻之。吾亦闻之。不以好爵厚禄牢笼此辈使入吾彀中为国服务。则将为政府之大敌。此妙策而犹不能消其精神而驯服之。是为冥顽好乱矣。学问变人气质。学律使人敏锐而机警。能攻而善守。睿智而多谋。他国纯朴空同之民。必身受其祸始知其政府之失策耳。美洲之民则能前知。见政策之不良即预卜虐政之将至。不待其政之施行、已拒之千里之外矣。 八、殖民地反抗精神之最后原因。力亦不弱于他者。以其非仅起于人心。实又基于天然也。诸君与彼辈远隔重洋三千英里。相去既窵远。则政府威力之减弱。实无策可以救止之。苍波渺渺无际。一命之传。一令之行。其间常费数月。一条文之不能迅得解释。全法典足因之而坏。诸君诚有发巨炮之军舰。能至海之极边。然更来一大权力。足以制人暴慢之情。平人愤激之气。彼曰。“君可行至此而止。不得更进”呜乎。一怒而断自然之链锁者谁耶。恐虽贲育亦不得不受其制也。凡疆宇过广之国所示种种先例。吾国亦无可逃。大国威权难及荒服。天然之公例示我矣。突厥之统制埃及、亚喇伯、喀的斯但。不能如其统制特雷斯。其在克里米亚、亚尔几、之权力。不能如在布鲁萨与斯木尔拿。压制之力常不得不此消彼长。终归涣散。消灭无余。突厥撒但不得不安于其力所能致之服从。彼欲君临其全境。不得不用宽典。其中央之威权。由其四境之弛缓所分出而已。西班牙所领绪州。殆尚不若吾英属之恭顺。彼亦唯有诺之忍之以俟时耳。此广漠散漫国之通则。不易之常经也。 九、先生。以此六大原因。(即血统、政体、北部之宗教,南部之习惯、教育、及出政之门过远等)而强烈之自由精神遂发生滋长。此精神与殖民地共发皇。与其富力共增长。英之权力纵甚合法。与自由观念实不相容。与彼辈之观念尤为相〇。二者不幸相值。两相搏击。遂至火炎昆岗。吾徒玉石俱碎矣。 The Spirit of Liberty in The American colonies. 1.These, sir, are myreasons[注:There, sir,are myreasons.—Burke氏前曾举四大理由。力言以兵力强迫美人之不当。此其结论。 紧承上文者也。]for not entertaining thathighopinionof untried force[注:Untried force.—未曾一试之力。 即前所未用之武力也。] by which manygentlemen, forwhosesentimentsinother particulars I have greatrespect,seem to besogreatlycaptivated. Butthereisstillbehinda third consideration concerning this object, whichserves todetermine my opinion on the sort of policy which ought to bepursuedin themanagementofAmerica, even more than its population and itscommerce,—I men its temper and character. 2. In this character of the Americans, a love offreedomisthepredominating feature which marks and distinguishesthewhole? [注:The whole=The whole character of the Americans.]andasanardentis always a jealous affection,your colonies become suspicious, restive,and untractable whenever they see the leastattempttowrestfromthem by force, or shuffle from them by chicanewhattheythinktheonly advantage worth living for.[注:What they think living for 使彼等有乐生之心之唯一利益。for者adventage for which之义也。] Thisfiercespirit of liberty is stronger in the English colonies probablythaninanyother people of the earth; and this from a great varietyofpowerful causes; which to understand the true temper of their minds,and the direction which this spirit takes, it will not be amiss to layopen [注:To lay open=To expose.] somewhat more largely. 3.First, the people of the colonies are descendantsof Englishmen. England, sir; is a nation whichstill, Ihope, respects, andformerl radored, her freedom. The colonists emigratedfromyouwhenthis part of your character [注:When this part of your character & c.汝等特性之此部分。即自由精神也。New England Colony起于英民反抗Stuart朝之时。当日英之自由精神诚最盛旺。] was most predominant; and theytookthis bias and direction the moment they parted from your hands. Theyare therefore not only devoted to liberty, buttolibertyaccordingtoEnglish ideas and on English principles.Abstractliberty, likeother mere abstractions, is nottobefound. Libertyinheresinsomesensibleobjsct; andevery nation has formed to itselfsomefavorite point [注:Formed to itself &e.各国民所注定之点以为乐利标准者即谓征税等事。‘Their’本当作‘its’当Every nation也。Favorite point=some importantpoint,the point most valued.] which, by way of eminence,becomes the criterion of their happiness. It happened, youknow, sir,that the great contests for freedom in thiscountrywerefromtheearliesttimeschieflyuponthe question of taxing. Mostofthecontestsin the ancient commomwealths [注:The ancient commonwealths.指古代希腊罗马之共和政治。] turned primarily on the right of electionof magistrates,or on the balance among the several orders of the state.Thequestion of money was not with them so immediate. But in England it was otherwise. Onthispointoftaxestheablest pens and most eloquent tongues[注:The ablest pensandmosteloquent tonguse &c.谓关于此征税之事。最妙之笔。 最辩之舌皆曾或以文章或以演说详论之。盖暗指Hampden, Pym, Selden 诸人也。 ] havebeenexercised; the greatest spirits have acted and suffered. Inordertogive the fullest satisfaction concerning the importance of thispoint, it was not only necessary [注:Not only necessary &c. 此句但有“非仅在……云云”。其下并无习见之‘but also’句。 盖以下文紧接‘ Theywentfurther &c. 句故也。 ] forthose whoinargumentdefendedtheexcellence of the English Constitution to insist on this privilegeofgranting money as a dry point of fact, [注:Dry point of fact.此dry 之义等于clear] and to provethattherighthadbeenacknowledged,in ancient parchments [注:Ancient parchments谓MagnaCharta,Charterof Liberty等古宪典也。] and blind usages, [注:Blind usages.不成文法,习惯法。] to reside in a certain body called a House of Commons.Theywent much further; they attempted to prove, and theysucceeded,thatin theory it ought to be so, from the particular natureofaHouseof Commons, as an immediate representative of thepeople; whetherthe old records had delivered this oracle [注:Oracle.本义为神命。此作真理解。]ornot.Theytookinfinite pains toinculcate, asafundamental principle,that in all monarchies the people must in effectthemselves, mediately, or immediately possess the power ofgrantingtheirown money, or no shadow of liberty could subsist. The coloniesdraw from you, as with their lifeblood, [注:As with their life-blood.英美人同其祖先故云。]these ideas and principles. Their love of liberty, aswithyou, fixed and attached on this specific point of taxing.Libertymightbe safe, or mightbeendangered, intwentyotherparticulars,[注:Twenty other particulars.此Fwenty但示多数而已。非定二十之数也。犹吾国之云万千。]without their being much pleased or alarmed, Here they felt its pulse; and as they found that beattheythoughtthemselves sick or sound. I do not saywhethertheywererightorwrong in applying your general arguments to their own case. It isnoteasy, indeed, to make a monopoly of theorems and corollaries. The factis that they did thus apply those general arguments; and your modeofgoverning them, whether through lenity or indolence, throughwisdomor mistake, confirmed them in the imagination that they,aswellasyou, had an interest in thesecommonprinciples. [注: Thesecommonprinciples.指上文之general arguments.] 4.They were further confirmed in this pleasing error [注:Pleasingerror.此error非真误谬。文法所谓ironical也。] bythe formoftheirprovincial legislative assemblies. Theirgovernments arepopular[注:Popular=Popular gevernment.纯自治制之政府。]inahigh degree;some are merely [注: Merely=purely, entirely,此‘merely popular’指New England 也。其地主居英而选州长(Governer)赴美治之者曰Proprietarygovernment。 如Pennsylvania,Maryland 是也。 其直隶英王者曰 RoyalProvinces。如Virginia,Carolina诸州是也。]popular;in all, thepopularrepresentative is the most weighty; and this shareofthepeople intheirordinarygovernment never fails to inspire themwithloftysentiments, and with a strong aversion from whatever tends to deprivethemoftheir chief importance. 5.If anything were wanting to this neces ary operation of the formof govrnment, religion would have given it a complete effect. Religion, always a principle of energy, in this new people is no way wornoutor impaired; and their mode of professing it is alsoonemaincauseof this free spirit.The people are Protestants, and of that kind [注:Of that kind.谓Puritans, Presbyt rians诸宗派也。] whichisthemostadverse to all implicit submission of mind andopinion. Thisisapersuasion not only favorable to liberty,butbuilt upon it. Idonot think, sir, that the reason of this averseness inthedissentingchurches [注:Dissenting churches.背英之国义Episcopal Church而独立之宗派。即 Puritans, Presbyterians 诸宗是也。] fromall that looks likeabsolute government is so much to be sought in theirreligious tesetsas in their history, Every one knows that the Roman Catholic religionisat least coeval [注:Coeval同诗而生之义。喻政府与旧教相依相赖也。]withmost of the governments where it prevails; that it has generallygone hand in hand with them,and received great favor and every kind ofsupport from authority. The church of England,too, was formed from hercradleunderthenursingcareofregulargovernment. Butthedissenting interests have sprung up in direct oppositiontoalltheordinary powers of the world, and could justify thatoppositiononlyon a strong claim to natural liberty. Theirveryexistencedependedonthepowerfulandunremittedassertionofthatclaim.AllProtestantism, even the most cold and passive, is a sort ofdissent.But thereligionmostprevalentinourNortherncoloniesisarefinement of the princ ple of resistance, itisthedissidenceofdissent, and theProtestantismoftheProtestantreligoin. Thisreligion, underavariety of denominations, [注:variety ofdenominations.即Puritans,Presbyterians 诸名称之各异。]agreeinginnothingbut in the communion of the spirit of liberty, is predominantin most of theNorthernprovinces, wherethe Church of England,notwithstanding its legal rights, is in reality no more than a sort ofprivate sect, not composing most probably,the tenth of the people. Thecolonists left England when this spirit was high,and in theemigrantswas the highest of all; and even that stream of foreigners, whichhasbeen constantly flowing into thesecolonies, has, for thegreatestpart, beencomposedof dissenters from the establishments oftheirseveral countries,andhave brought with them a temper and characterfarfrom alien to that of the people with whom they mixed. [注: Thepeoplewithwhom they mixed.此people谓美国人。‘they’指foreigners.] 6.Sir, I can perceive by their manner that somegentlemenobjectto the latitude of this description; because in the Southerncoloniesthe churchofEnglandformsalargebody, andhasaregularestablishment. Itiscertainlytrue. Thereis, however,acircumstance attending these colonies which,inmyopinion, fullycounterbalances this difference,andmakesthespiritoflibertystill more highand haughty than in those to the northward.Itis,that in Virginia and the Corolinas [注: TheCarolinas. =NorthandSoutt Carolina二州。] they have a vast multitude of slaves. Where thisis the case in any part of the world,those who are free are by far themost proud and jealous of their freedom. Freedom is to themnotonlyan enjoyment, but a kind of rank and privilege. Notseeingthere [注:Not seeing there—‘there’指Virginia与Carolinas诸州。] that freedom.as in countries where it is a common blessing, and'as broad andgeneralastheair', [注: Asbroadandgeneral as the air.—乃Shakespeare 所作“Macbeth”中句。Burke氏引用之。喻普遍也。]maybeunitedwith much abject toil,withgreatmisery, withalltheexterior of servitude, libertylooks, among them, like something thatis morenobleandiberal. I do notmean, Sir, tocommendthesurperior morality of this sentiment, whichhasatleastasmuchprideas virtue [注:As much pride as virtue.谓其中傲慢心与德性之量相等。] in it;butIcannotalter the nature of man. [注:I cannot…nature of man. 谓人情如是。予无如何也。]Thefactis so; and thesepeople oftheSouthern colonies are much more strongly, and with ahigher andmorestubbornspirit, attached to liberty than those tothenorthward. Suchwere all the ancient commonwealths; such wereour Gothic ancestors;[注: Gothic此Gothic之义甚广。殆与Teutonic 同义。谓英人之祖也。] such in ourdays were the Poles [注:The Poles.波兰人。] andsuchwillbeallmastersof slaves, who arenotslavesthemselves. In such a people,the haughtiness ofdominationcombineswith the spiritoffreedom, fortifies it, and renders it invincible. 7.Permit me, sir, to addanothercircumstanceinourcolonieswhich contributes no mean part towards the growth and effectofthisuntractable spirit. I mean their education. In no countryperhapsinthe world is the law so general a study. Theprofessionitselfisnumerous and powerful; and in most provinces it takes thelead. Thegreater number of the Deputies sent to the Congress were lawyers.Butall who read (and most do read) endeavor toobtainsome smattering[注:Smatteribg,涉猎所得之知识。] in that science. I have been told byan eminent bookseller that in no branch of his business, after tractsof popular devotion [注:Tracts of popular devotion.宗教之小册子。]were so many books as those on the lawexportedtotheplantations.The colonists have now fallen into the way of printing them for theirown use. I hear thattheysoldnearlyasmany of Blackstone'sCommentaries [注:Blackstone'sCommentaries 英国百年前之法学名着。 ]in America as in England. General Gage marks out this disposition veryparticularly in a letter on your table. He states that all thepeoplein his government are lawyers, or smatterersinlaw; andthatinBoston they have been enabled, by successful chicane, wholly toevademany parts of one of yourcapital penal constitutions. [注:To evademany parts…penal constitutions.昔Gage将军为总督。禁波士顿人集会。美人籍口并非召集新会。 乃前会延期今重开之。集会如故而将军无如何。] Thesmartness of debate [注:The smartness of debate. 辩士之义。] will saythat this knowledge ought to teach them moreclearlytherightsoflegislature, their obligations to obedience, andthepenaltiesofrebellion. All this is mighty well. Butmyhonorableandlearnedfriend on the floor [注:Myhonourable… on the floor.指 AttorneyGeneral Thurlow也。] who condescends to mark [注:Conpescende to mark&c.重听] what I say for animadversion,will disdain that ground. He hasheard, as well as I, that when great honours and great emoluments donotwin over [注:Win over,使为已用,牢笼之。] this knowledge totheserviceof the State it is a formidable adversary to government.Ifthespirit be not tamed and broken by these happy methods,itisstubbornand litigious. Abeunt studia in mores. [注:Abeunt studia inmores. —此猎丁文英译为Manners are influenced by studies.见Bacon文中。]This study renders men acute, inquisitive, dexterous,prompt in attack, ready in defence, full of resources. In other countries, thepeople, more simple, and of a less mercurial cast, [注:Less mercurial cast.较美国人为愚鲁之人民。‘cast’本义为型。滞笨之型所铸。即愚鲁之义也。]judge of an ill principle in government only by an actual grievance;here[注:Here.—In this case.在美国人。] they anticipate the evil, andjudgeofthepressureofthegrievancebythebadnessof theprinciple. Theyangur misgovernment at a distance,andsnufftheapproachof tyranny in every tainted breeze.[注:Snuff the approach…tainted breeze.—‘tainted breeze’二语见文豪Pope氏所作Essay onMan。此盖以猎犬嗅风而知有兽。喻美国人之机警。虐政未行已能预料也。] 8.The last cause of this disobedient spiritinthecoloniesishardly less powerful than the rest, as it is notmerelymoral, butlaid deep in the natural constitution of things. Three thousandmilesof ocean lie between you and them.Nocontrivancecanpreventtheeffect of this distance in weakeninggovernment. Seasroll,andmonths pass, between the order and the execution; and thewantofaspeedy explanation of a single pointisenoughtodefeatawholesystem.You have, indeed, winged ministersofvengeance, [注: Wingedministers of vengeance.军舰。] who carry your bolts intheirpounces[注:Carry your bolts in theirpounces. 军舰所发射之弹丸。 ]totheremotest verge of the sea. But there a power stepsin, thatlimitsthe arrogance of raging passions and furious elements, and says,“Sofar shalt thou go, and no farther.”Who are you, that youshould fretand rage, andbitethechainsofNatureNothingworse happens[注:Nothing worse happens &c.—‘Does’=Does happen.虽无更恶之事然与彼相同之事则不可免。] toyouthandoestoal? nations whohaveextensive empire; and ill happens in all the forms intowhichempirecan be thrown. In large bodies, thecirculationofpowermust beless vigorous at the extremities, Nature has said it.TheTurkcannotgovern Egypt, and Arabia and Curdistan [注:Curdistan.突厥之属地。去其本部甚远。] as he governs Thrace; [注:Thrace 突厥在欧洲之属地,在其东南。 ] nor has he the same dominion in Crimea and Algiers [注:Crimeaand Algiers皆突厥领土。去其本国亦远。]which he has at Brusa [注:Brusa在君士但丁之南。去之甚近。] and Smyrna. [注: Smyrna 在亚洲突厥之西。临Eugean 海。 ] Despotism itself is obliged to truck and huckster. [注: Totruckand huckster.—交换者谓其此移彼置。 零售者喻其权力四分反致涣散薄弱也。] The sultan gets such obedience as he can. He governswith a loose rein, [注:Loose rein宽典。] that he may govern at all; [注:That hemaygovernat all谓其欲求治之不得不用宽典。否则将叛去也。]and the whole of the force and vigor of his authority inhiscentreisderivedfroma prudent relaxation in all his borders. Spain, inher provinces, is, perhaps,not so well obeyed as you are in yours. Shecompliestoo;she submits; she watches times. This is the immutablecondition, the eternal law, of extensive and detached empire. 9. Then, sir, from these six capitalsources, —ofdescent; ofform of government; of religion in the Northern provinces; ofmannersin the southern; of education; of theremotenessofsituationfromthe first mover [注:First mover.政府权力之源泉。] of government; —fromall these causes a fierce spirit of libertyhasgrownup. Ithasgrownwiththegrowthof the people in your colonies, andincreased with the incrcase of their wealth—a spirit that, unhappilymeeting with an exercise of power in England which, howeverlawful,is not reconcilable to any ideas of liberty,muchlesswiththeirs, has kindled this flame that is ready to consume us. |
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