太玄书阁 > 青春校园 > 魔女游戏规则 > |
二十六 |
旭汀颔首微笑,锦复希便开始了他的演讲:“Today, I will take a lecture to you. It’s topic is ‘A Father’s Love’.”刚念完这一句的时候,旭汀全身便微微一震。但是锦复希并没留意到这一点,只是继续念下去: “Fathers seldom say ‘I love you’ Though the feeling's always there, But somehow those three little words Are the hardest ones to share. And fathers say ‘I love you’ In ways that words can't match With tender bedtime stories Or a friendly game of catch! You can see the words‘I love you’ In a father's boyish eyes When he runs home, all excited, With a poorly wrapped surprise. A father says ‘I love you’ With his strong helping hands With a smile when you're in trouble With the way he understands. He says ‘I love you’haltingly, With awkward tenderness It's hard to help a four-year-old into a party dress! He speaks his love unselfishly By giving all he can To make some secret dream come true, Or follow through a plan. A father's seldom-spoken love Sounds clearly through the years - Sometimes in peals of laughter, Sometimes through happy tears. Perhaps they have to speak their love In a fashion all their own. Because the love that fathers feel Is too big for words alone!” 这首诗原本就比较感性,锦复希的声音清幽脱俗,搭配起来可以说是天衣无缝。朗诵完毕,所有人竟一时无语,流连忘返,如痴如醉。 可是大家却没发现旭汀的异样。他看着眼前的少年,平时做事给人感觉淡漠,对别人的事更是不闻不问,而此时能朗诵出韵味十足的诗,实在令人感到讶异。但是他却不是因为这个才会张口结舌的。而是这首诗,是绫加曾经朗诵过的。他只知道绫加有新男友,两人的关系很快曝光了,但没想到居然是他的学生之一。他用复杂的眼神看着自己的学生,不仅有欣赏,好像还有一点点的敌意。而眼前这位丰姿俊秀的少年只是以礼相待地笑了笑,便往自己的位子上走去。 锦复希坐回位子上,摊开笔记本,打算继续认真听课。他前面有个女生却是小心翼翼地想转过来和他讲话。 他灿然一笑,问道:“你找我有事吗?” 那女生更是难以置信地瞅了他好一会儿。他并未生气,只是低头开始翻阅自己的笔记,字体清秀隽永,飘如游云。 终于,她才开心地问道:“你刚才朗诵得真好,能把原稿借我们看看吗?” 我们?锦复希往前看去,一排女生——甚至还有几个男生的目光都整齐划一地朝他投过来。他会意地点点头:“原稿我没有,我是在《疯狂英语》上看到的,当时喜欢,便把它背下来了,如果你们想要,我就写一份给你们。” |
太玄书阁(xuge.org) |
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