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卷十二 一〇、Adler〔阿德勒〕先生语录


  Spiritual relation is the criss-cross relation between persons. It's love. It is spending one's self on another and receiving in return the spiritualizing and uplifting effects of so-doing.(精神上的关系是人与人之间的参互交错的关系。就是爱。就是把自己消费在一个别人的身上,而在如此做时,自己也得着鼓舞向上的影响作酬报。)

  Moral oblization is not the externally imposed command;it is the necessity to act so as to bring out the best in the other person.(the beloved one,for example)(道德的责任并不是那外来的命令;只是必须要怎样做才可以引出别人——例如所爱之人——的最好部分。)

  You can only keep yourself alive and uplight by taking an interest in some other or alter.(只有对于别人发生兴趣才可使自己常是活泼泼地,常是堂堂地。)

  Live in vitally affecting others!(让你的生活对别人产生深远的影响!)

  So influence others as to make them cease to think cheaply of themselves.(要这样影响别人:要使他们不再菲薄自己。)

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