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卷十二 一一、论“造新因”



  It is true that I have much sympathy with the rebels. But I do not favor the present revolution. I have come to hold that there is no short-cut to political decency and efficiency. Not that, as has been suggested, a monarchy is a necessary stage of development. But that good government cannot be secured without certain necessary prerequisites. Those who hold that China needs a monarchy for internal consolidation and strength are just as foolish as those who hold that a republican form of government will work miracles. Neither a monarchy nor a republic will save China without what I call the "necessary prerequisities". It is our business to provide for these necessary prerequisites, —to "create new causes"(造因).

  I am ready to go even farther than my monarchist friends. I would not even let a foreign conquest divert my determination to "create new causes". Not to say the petty chafiges of the present!

  "Where I condemn my Monarchist friends is when they identify the present reactionary government with the country they love and with the "honest and efficient government" which we all desire.

  Jan. 11. to C. W.





  1月11日,致C. W.

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